Life worth living

Our motivation

Welcome to Boli Pura

The joy of supporting people as a whole gave rise to the impulse to develop our first essence in 2006.

The name Boli Pura comes from Sanskrit and means something like city of glass. This name reflects the complexity of our work and the complexity of our products — a synonym for the small world that Boli Pura represents for us.

With our products, our experience and the joy of helping others, we offer people like you our support for a holistic and fulfilling life, whenever and whenever you want. And as a company, as a business partner and as an employer, we would like to contribute to the creation of a new relationship. This orientation includes a conscious use of nature and its resources as well as a balanced relationship of give and take.

We find the principles of “higher, faster, farther” and the associated exploitation of people, animals and the environment for profit and what is described by many as growth hostile to life and an obstacle to real growth. We strive to give the topics of resource awareness, balance and respect the necessary space in all areas of our work.

And so we would like to try to convey to you on our website what moves us - in all areas and every day anew.

with love,

Julia & Tobias Heilmann-Schuricht

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