June 11, 2024

Living in two worlds

Today is Wednesday and these days I have to check twice, as my sense of time has been absorbed by the moment.

Bridging the gap between Germany and Corfu is a challenge. Both energetically and practically. It's like a dance between two worlds, between old and new, between structured and relaxed, between mountains and the sea. And from this back and forth, the first insights are now beginning to emerge that make it so valuable for me to continue this balancing act. I'm learning to appreciate things about Germany that I took for granted and that sometimes seem to be missing here and, conversely, Germany could do with a little more Greek serenity in certain areas.

I'm starting to blend the two. More composure in areas that I can't influence much anyway and more thoroughness in areas where I tend to be sloppy. It makes little sense to proclaim a general quality for each day, as the energetic circumstances are very different here and there.

This entry is more about contacting my old home. An imaginary conversation from the island to the European mainland. Not much is needed here. The weather is mild, the soil is fertile, the sea is always there. The people are friendly, but also a little tired - broken would be too strong of a word, but the years and measures taken as part of the "rescue package" are very noticeable. In Germany on the other hand, the mood is downbeat. That's what I sense, when we're there. Depressed, sometimes angry, sometimes aggressive - all understandable, given all the things that are increasingly unsettling people there and everywhere and are downright throwing them off course. "Henry the chariot breaks" comes to mind. The line from the fairy tale "The Frog King". "No, Lord, not the chariot. It's a ribbon from my heart that lay in great pain, whilst you were sitting in the well."

I often experience this time like this. There's a rumble and you would think that everything is breaking... and that's exactly what appears to be happening. But are things really breaking in two or are they breaking free, like the heart of Iron Henry? Can you give people the gift of "liberation" or does it happen through the sudden realization that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes? The latter is true for me and I see many signs that small, tentative buds of new ideas are sprouting up everywhere, in the midst of the clatter of ancient structures, trying to cling on with all of their might.

In the midst of the shock about everything that is happening in the world , that seems to be getting completely out of hand - is everyone in it an island of their own? Or are we just beginning to discover what unites us all? The longing for peace, joy and a fulfilled life? The longing for integrity and honesty and a sincere give and take.

Who are we in this chaos? Who am I in this chaos? Every day I have new answers. Because every day is new. Who am I, in this world, today? How am I doing today, how do I feel? What can I contribute today to make the world a better place for everyone?

For today, I close with a deeply familiar quote from the "Seven Lessons of Love":

"Often you will see no reward on your path. The reward is the deep peace in your heart, when you lie down to rest at night."

That's what I try to do. Every day anew - sometimes more and sometimes less successfully.

Julia Heilmann-Schuricht

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Living in two worlds

Today is Wednesday and these days I have to check twice, as my sense of time has been absorbed by the moment.

Bridging the gap between Germany and Corfu is a challenge. Both energetically and practically. It's like a dance between two worlds, between old and new, between structured and relaxed, between mountains and the sea. And from this back and forth, the first insights are now beginning to emerge that make it so valuable for me to continue this balancing act. I'm learning to appreciate things about Germany that I took for granted and that sometimes seem to be missing here and, conversely, Germany could do with a little more Greek serenity in certain areas.

I'm starting to blend the two. More composure in areas that I can't influence much anyway and more thoroughness in areas where I tend to be sloppy. It makes little sense to proclaim a general quality for each day, as the energetic circumstances are very different here and there.

This entry is more about contacting my old home. An imaginary conversation from the island to the European mainland. Not much is needed here. The weather is mild, the soil is fertile, the sea is always there. The people are friendly, but also a little tired - broken would be too strong of a word, but the years and measures taken as part of the "rescue package" are very noticeable. In Germany on the other hand, the mood is downbeat. That's what I sense, when we're there. Depressed, sometimes angry, sometimes aggressive - all understandable, given all the things that are increasingly unsettling people there and everywhere and are downright throwing them off course. "Henry the chariot breaks" comes to mind. The line from the fairy tale "The Frog King". "No, Lord, not the chariot. It's a ribbon from my heart that lay in great pain, whilst you were sitting in the well."

I often experience this time like this. There's a rumble and you would think that everything is breaking... and that's exactly what appears to be happening. But are things really breaking in two or are they breaking free, like the heart of Iron Henry? Can you give people the gift of "liberation" or does it happen through the sudden realization that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes? The latter is true for me and I see many signs that small, tentative buds of new ideas are sprouting up everywhere, in the midst of the clatter of ancient structures, trying to cling on with all of their might.

In the midst of the shock about everything that is happening in the world , that seems to be getting completely out of hand - is everyone in it an island of their own? Or are we just beginning to discover what unites us all? The longing for peace, joy and a fulfilled life? The longing for integrity and honesty and a sincere give and take.

Who are we in this chaos? Who am I in this chaos? Every day I have new answers. Because every day is new. Who am I, in this world, today? How am I doing today, how do I feel? What can I contribute today to make the world a better place for everyone?

For today, I close with a deeply familiar quote from the "Seven Lessons of Love":

"Often you will see no reward on your path. The reward is the deep peace in your heart, when you lie down to rest at night."

That's what I try to do. Every day anew - sometimes more and sometimes less successfully.

Julia Heilmann-Schuricht

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Es ist unser Bestreben, dass der Boli Pura Newsletter dein Leben bereichert. In der Regel versenden wir ihn maximal einmal pro Monat und auch nur dann, wenn es etwas zu sagen gibt. Er enthält in erster Linie die Aktivitäten und Neuigkeiten seit dem letzten Newsletter und aktuelle Informationen zu unseren Produkten. Du kannst ihn, selbstverständlich, jederzeit wieder abbestellen.

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